Not Abandoned


I am still here! I want to make this statement because someone might think differently.

"Is that old coot on that street still alive? It looks like the place is abandoned. Lets break in, do some video-ing, and put it on the Abandoned Series of YouTubes!"

Please don’t do this. Yes, I do live mostly in one room, but that doesn’t mean I am nuts. . . maybe . . . but after watching some of the abandoned series of YouTubes, I had to leave this room (it has no bathroom) and coming back down the hall, I decided I wanted a fresh rum and coke, and then as walking by the door to this room, I saw in . . . and . . .

Well . . . OK, it does LOOK abandoned, but this is just a healthy facade or patina.   This is from constant use – not neglect! There is just a bunch of needed and constantly-accessed items laying around.

Alright, I agree . . . the mustard stains on the napkin and paper plate are old.  But that doesn't mean that I will not take care of them.

So should you be sneaking around bored, please keep right on sneaking, boringly down the street – this place is not abandoned!

And to prove it, and to encourage you to keep moving on, I will provide you some images of this room. There is an active mind living here. Perhaps your sense of abandonment is internal – maybe located between your ears. Go THERE!  Maybe to see what you can find.


Graffiti of the more base sort?

But I am here . . . alive and alert. 

Go by Mad World. (Edgar Lee Masters; Spoon River Anthology)


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View from study door to left and mid-room credenza.   House faces north.  The south side is swamp.

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From door looking to north wall.  At northeast corner is drafting station for ink on mylar.

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In northeast corner...there is a drafting table there somewhere.

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General militaria on east wall.

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Northwest corner.

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On northwest work surface.

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More on northwest work surface.

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(It is a big work surface.)

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West wall.

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Southwest corner -- Command Center.  I command.   Nobody obeys.

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South wall and mid-room credenza.

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Control Center.

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South wall.

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West side of credensa and work surface.

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Credenza work surface, south end.

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Credenza work surface, middle.

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End of credenza.  End of images.     Return to Story Index